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Casa do Microcrédito - Finanzierung von Kleinunternehmen in Santa Catarina

Casa do Microcrédito

Financing small entrepreneurship in Santa Catarina


The microfinance institution (MFI) CDMC, Casa do Microcrédito disburses loans to informal entrepreneurs and micro- and small enterprises in the Laguna region, in the state of Santa Catarina.

Founded in 2001, CDMC is one of the oldest Social Organizations of Public Interest (OSCIPs) in Santa Catarina. It is currently active in 18 cities with a combined population of 350,000 (2016). It is headquartered in the city of Tubarão.

CDMC has built up a strong position in the region as a valid alternative to commercial banks and cooperatives, thanks to its use of loan officers who bring CDMC’s products closer to customers.

CDMC, Casa do Microcrédito has been an Oikocredit partner since 2008.

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